Thunder Only Happens When it’s Raining
I decided to just go with the delightfully lost mentality (which would become a reoccurring theme this day), and browsed around several other bookstore-looking locations, only to find manga and gaudy magazines. Inadvertently did a few laps around Shibuya station, passing by what seemed to be endless smiling salespeople bursting at the seams with excitement in anticipation of selling me vacuum-sealed kelp and tubercles, cream puffs, rice crackers, etc. I had to buy a fresh “balance shake” (six vegetable blend) just to get through the groundhog-day mess of it all.
Now off to the “art gallery,” which I must place in quotations because the mission was doomed. When I researched the location, I was apparently not intelligent enough to notice that Sundays and Mondays are "rest days." It being Monday, then, we arrived to closed doors! That, and I had gotten us a little lost finding the building. Oh well, we would go get a beer and I would buy to make up for the failed mission.
We strolled along the Meguro river, and my daydreaming ways swept over me: I envisioned the sakura (cherry blossom trees) that lined its banks in spring bursting with color and dropping tiny petals in a swirling array while people sat on blankets drinking sake and toasting to health and happiness.
No bars readily presented themselves in this sleepy (but adorable) neighborhood, so we hopped the train back to Shibuya in search of…beer in frosty mugs. You would think, and rightfully so, that Shibuya would be THE place to find a nice afternoon bar. Maybe that is the case and we can chalk this experience up to user error, but on this Monday at 2:37pm there was absolutely no open shot bar, izakaya, or other ostensible drinking establishment to be found. I had a memory burst and remembered the location of this tiny bar run by a guy who loved Phish and SCI, but turning up the alley I noticed it had become a European-style lunch joint. Foiled! We walked forever (another several laps around Shibuya) until passing by an Italian-style café with a large birra sign out front.
This day of rambling was becoming tiring (me being on about hour six of failed missions), and Lita and I parted ways. I intended to go straight home at this point, but the Loft store and its array of random, cute crap beckoned, and I was very pleased to stumble upon a Muji store (a favorite of mine, all goods made without weird ingredients) inside of Loft. Bought a few things then headed home. Stopped at the basement market for green tea and fruit (so beautiful yet so expensive). Two hour nap before dinner party!
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