An instant on a blog has no relation to time or space. Be that a good or bad thing, who really could know, but it feels like ages since last I took time to write something for no particular purpose at all. For some reason I felt inspired today as I peered from the window of my school out on Yokohama bay, towards the giant ferris wheel that always seems to be filled with men in suits (enjoying their lunch hour or perhaps making business connections?) endlessly going round and round. From my vantage point above,

Then - like the rip of Jerry Garcia's guitar - from blue skies a deeply foreboding set of clouds took shape, and did it rain. In fact, before it rained, the most scary-exciting (used in tandum to express the dual aspects of such an experience) lightning shot down directly in my direction. It was simply magnificent to see that electricity so close. That provided a bit of energy, which I needed to finish the day. Lightning, then downpour, then school. Then the trains...oh the lovely trains. Listened to Peggy-o - natsukashi - and made my way home.

These past six weeks have indeed been trying, but I feel certain they were worth all of the effort. I have evermore respect for the Japanese language, and while I am jealous of those who are raised to speak it naturally, I think there is something to be said for those who attempt to step outside their own comfort zone and pour themselves into a different way of communication; a different way of thinking entirely. Now, whether that "thing to be said" about people like me is some type of praise or some type of "you are crazy," is another matter entirely. And yet, I keep on trucking...

Once more, Japan has been an experience.


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