All in a Day's Eats: Miso, Homemade Peanut Butter, Spicy Tofu, etc.
My culinary endeavors this twenty-sixth day of two thousand and ten made me very happy. They also, I think, capture my approach to food: no rules, no recipes, make it simple, make it creative, make it spicy! With Ruby by my side, chewing on her new half-lion/half-octopus toy, King Wubba, I continued my love affair with food... #1: An egg over-easy served with a sprouted grain pocket and slices of avocado, tomato, and red onion. A little salt and pepper, drizzle of olive oil, splash of Eve hot pepper sauce from Jamaica (pretty nice kick to it). Sencha. I love a hearty meal like this late in the morning, as a brunch, on days I know I'll be busy until late afternoon. #1.5-1.75: Gingerberry kombucha (my homemade tea is not ready yet!), banana, mini-Snickers (I can’t always avoid temptation, and besides, graduate seminars require snacks if one is to maintain focus… #2: Persian cucumber slices dipped in red miso Carrots, eggplant, and other crudités are excellent in miso …just a ...